Freight North Carriers

Terms & Conditions

Freight North Carriers

Terms & Conditions

Acceptance of freight rate and commencement of services shall be deemed to constitute binding acceptance and understanding of FNC's Terms and Conditions herein:


  • These terms and conditions shall be valid upon receipt by the Customer, unless there is a previous Agreement in place in which, the terms of that Agreement shall govern to the extent of any such inconsistency.
  • Pricing is valid for 30 days from the date sent, after which new pricing may be issued.
  • FNC shall be entitled at any time prior to shipping to adjust pricing as a direct result of variations in currency exchange rates, fuel costs/surcharge, and any other relevant expense outside of FNC's control.
  • Pricing is based on the dimensions provided at the time of quote and organized in the matter and form shown. Any changes to the dimensions and/or load order at the time of transport will void the rate quote.
  • Pricing is based on the availability of equipment and is subject to road conditions, construction, and weather.


  • Unless stated otherwise, pricing is quoted in CDN funds.
  • If applicable, carbon and sales tax will be added as an additional charge to pricing.
  • Pricing is based on efficient transit time and is subject to delay charges if tendered and held in route as per the customer's request.
  • Pricing includes 2 hours for pickup and 2 hours for delivery unless stated otherwise. Additional time may be charged if these times are exceeded. Truck detention charges due to customs clearance issues will be charged at the same hourly rate.
  • Four pieces of standard 4x4 dunnage are included in pricing, upon request. Extra or custom dunnage can be supplied at cost plus 15%.
  • Rates include civilian pilot cars and permits unless additional pilot cars are required in lieu of Police Escorts unless stated otherwise.
  • Extra requirements by Province, State, County / RM, or City including third-party charges such as Police, additional Civilian Pilot Cars in lieu of Police Escorts, Hydro, Bucket Trucks, Route Surveys, Traffic Signal Turning, and Railway Crossings will be charged out at cost plus 15%.
  • Pricing for Over Dimensional shipments is based on an ASSUMED route. Prices may change at the time of shipment due to actual Over Dimensional Routing.
  • Pricing is quoted for maintained paved roads only. Shipments that require truck travel on gravel, off-roads, private roads, or roads requiring chains will be subject to additional charges and/or hourly charges.
  • Unless stated otherwise, Pricing is not valid during spring road bans.
  • The pricing quoted does not allow for direct discharge from vessel to truck at seaports. If applicable, extra charges may apply.
  • Pricing does not include tarping unless stated otherwise. A tarping fee will apply if required.
  • Pricing does not include T&E Bond unless stated otherwise. A bond fee will apply if required.
  • Pricing does not include Project Manager cost. If required, it will be charged in addition to the rates above.
  • Unless stated otherwise - Estimates of third-party costs (if provided) are for budgetary use only and subject to change at the time of shipping.


  • FNC may contract for the performance of Services with one or more third-party certified carriers unless governed by a previously executed Agreement.
  • FNC will make every effort to meet the requested pick-up and delivery schedules, however, estimated pickup and delivery times are not guaranteed.
  • In no event shall FNC be liable for consequential, special, or indirect losses or damages whether for late pickup/delivery, delay, or otherwise.


  • If hazardous material is tendered to FNC, FNC must be made aware with advance notice and the shipment(s) must be properly identified.
  • FNC shall not be liable for any delays or failures in performance resulting from acts beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, terrorist acts, breakdowns or malfunctions, labor difficulties, war, or civil unrest.
  • FNC shall not be held responsible for products shipped that have been damaged or are prone to damage by reason of insufficient packaging or protection.
  • FNC is not responsible for cranes and/or equipment to load and unload freight - unless specified in the pricing.
  • Liability for cargo loss or damage arising from services that involve an origin point in Canada shall be governed by the Uniform Conditions of Carriage and Limitations of Liability.
  • Liability for cargo loss or damage arising from services that involve an origin point in the USA be governed by 49 U.S.C 14706 and 49 C.F.R part 370 (the "Carmack Amendment").
  • FNC maintains comprehensive vehicle liability insurance. For shipments with cargo value exceeding our coverage, additional insurance must be purchased by the customer and/or will be charged back to the customer at cost plus 15%.